AEPJ – News
International Meeting of European Coordinators of the European Day of Jewish Culture
The AEPJ president Mr. François Moyse opened the Meeting with Mrs. Colette Flesh president of the European Institute for Cultural Routes, encouraging all participants to contribute with their work to enlarge the exchanges, to build new opportunities through cultural, heritage and tourism matters expériences
The session was conducted lectured by Mr. Davide Saponaro, head of the project, who displayed images to show a little bit of the efforts done at every single place to join almost 170.000 participants, in 33 countries, presenting almost 900 activities in 324 different European cities.
In this session, the head of Programmes for the National Library of Israel, Mrs. Caron Sethill, and her colleague, Mrs. Olga Lempert, introduced the audience into the contents and the logistical aspects for the 2017 project. Understanding that the NLI will provide a base kit of material to be completed by every city with their own stories, materials, objects etc.
A Task Force has been approved and the members have been introduced to the audience.
National coordinators should address to the following contacts:
For questions related to contents:
For questions related to logistics:
EDJC 2018-2020
In this panel the AEPJ member Mrs. Laure Amoyel, couch the participants in a series of techniques in order to debate and decide about the graphic poster for this year topic, followed by the discussion of the topics of the following 3 year (knowing that the 3er one will be reconsidered during the next coordinators meeting).
The chosen graphics must be adapted and will be uploaded in the AEPJ site shortly.
The former head of project, Mr. Michael Mail and the current one, Mr. Davide Saponaro explained the rules and the possibilities for those who desire to become a route.
They also suggested some keys to increase quality standards on those routes already published.
Mr. Mario Colomer (Neorg) after having met all participants in “face to face” meetings, aware of the enormous potential of this project, he stated that it deserves to improve in communication: to communicate better, to enlarge the audiences and to improve the internal communication.
The events that we all do are so divers and impressive that it is necessary to be communicated worldwide. The most immediate challenge will be to build a quality brand.
Documents will be send in a month time.
Mrs. Eleonora Berti, project coordinator for the Council or Europe Cultural Routes introduced the audience in the necessary protocols to be followed to address Grant applications to EU institutions, and also the commitments of our coordinators related to the uses of corporate logos and other technical aspects.